😎How To Approach

How to approach projects for to collaborate!

1. As an X-Ambassador, you need to know what X-ALPHA is all about. Therefore, it is imperative you read our white paper

2. Find projects with market caps of $1M and above from either Twitter, Coin Gecko, Dex Screener and so on, join their Telegram group.

3. Check if the project you plan on approaching has already been approached or not by using this link

4. Do not be in a rush to ask for a partnership proposal immediately when you join the group, to avoid getting reported and banned by telegram.

5. Familiarize yourself what this project does before asking for partnership.

6. When settled in the group, introduce yourself as an X-Ambassador using the provided template below: "Hello I am an X-Ambassador for X-Alpha. I am here with a proposal. Who should I contact?"

- Add X-Alpha intro.gif to the message You can get it here

7. When given a go ahead to send a DM, introduce yourself as an X-Ambassador in the dm and give them a brief description about X-ALPHA.

8. Go ahead and share with them what we offer as a project and what they’ll benefit.

In this stage is not recommended to share all details refer to Gold and Platinum clubs.

You can get more details about the Thank You campaign here.

9. Create a group chat on Telegram using this format: X-ALPHA – {Name of the project}

Last updated